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Counselling Therapy / Art Therapy / Psychotherapy
Right from the start, I will do my best to design your counselling therapy sessions to be just what you need them to be. My goal is that they will function like new windows on your world. As our therapeutic relationship evolves, you will begin to develop a clearer sense of your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and preferences. You'll also become more adept at expressing those aspects of yourself.
Although things may feel like they are going sideways for a little while, after a few sessions your sense of balance and well-being will likely increase in significant ways. You will feel like you are looking at your life with new eyes.
An unexpected but fabulous side effect of regular counselling is that, as your self understanding and self compassion grows, you will likely find yourself more open to the self-expression of others. As a result, your relationships with loved ones will grow in depth and significance.
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